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Data eviction

This chapter covers the data eviction as it being handled by SableDB.

There are 3 cases where items needs to be purged:

  • Item is expired
  • A composite item was overwritten by another type (e.g. user called SET MYHASH SOMEVALUE on an item MYHASH which was previously a Hash)
  • User called FLUSHDB or FLUSHALL

Expired items

Since the main storage used by SableDB is disk (which is cheap), an item is checked for expiration only when it is being accessed, if it is expired the item is deleted and a null value is returned to the caller.

Composite item has been overwritten

To explain the problem here, consider the following data is stored in SableDB (using Hash data type):

"OverwatchTanks" =>
        {"tank_1" => "Reinhardt"},
        {"tank_2" => "Orisa"},
        {"tank_3" => "Roadhog"}

In the above example, we have a hash identified by the key OverwatchTanks. Now, imagine a user that executes the following command:

set OverwatchTanks bla - this effectively changes the type of the key OverwatchTanks and set it into a String. However, as explained in the encoding data chapter, we know that each hash field is stored in its own RocksDB records. So by calling the set command, the hash fields tank_1, tank_2 and tank_3 are now "orphaned" (i.e. the user can not access them)

SableDB solves this problem by running an cron task that compares the type of the a composite item against its actual value. In the above example: the type of the key OverwatchTanks is a String while it should have been Hash. When such a discrepancy is detected, the cron task deletes the orphan records from the database.

The cron job knows the original type by checking the bookkeeping record

User triggered clean-up (FLUSHALL or FLUSHDB)

When one of these commands is called, SableDB uses RocksDB delete_range method.