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SableDB uses a Key / Value database for its underlying data storage. We chose to use RocksDB as its mature, maintained and widely used in the industry by giant companies.

Because the RocksDB is key-value storage and Redis data structures can be more complex, an additional data encoding is required.

This chapter covers how SableDB encodes the data for the various data types (e.g. String, Hash, Set etc)


Numbers are encoded using Big Endians to preserve lexicographic ordering

SableDB takes advantage of the following RocksDB traits:

  • RocksDB keys are stored lexicographically (this is why SableDB uses big-endiands)
  • RocksDB provides prefix iterators which allows SableDB to place iterator on the first item that matches a prefix

The String data type

The most basic data type in SableDB is the String data type. Strings in SableDB are always binary safe Each String record in the SableDB consists of a single entry in RocksDB:

   A    B      C      D                E        F       G     H
+-----+-----+-------+----------+    +-----+------------+----+-------+
| 1u8 | DB# | Slot# | user key | => | 0u8 | Expirtaion | ID | value |
+-----+-----+-------+----------+    +-----+------------+----+-------+

The key for a String record is encoded as follows:

  • A the first byte ( u8 ) is always set to 1 - this indicates that this is a data entry (there are other type of keys in the database)
  • B the database ID is encoded as u16 (this implies that SableDB supports up to 64K databases)
  • C the slot number
  • D the actual key value (e.g. set mykey myvalue -> mykey is set here)

The value is encoded as follows:

  • E the first byte is the type bit, value of 0 means that the this record is of type String
  • F the record expiration info
  • G unique ID (relevant for complex types like Hash), for String this is always 0
  • H the user value

Using the above encoding, we can now understand how SableDB reads from the database. Lets have a look a the command:

get mykey

SableDB encodes a key from the user key (mykey) by prepending the following:

  • 1u8 - to indicate that this is the data record
  • The active database number (defaults to 0)
  • The slot number
  • The user string key (i.e. mykey)

This is the key that is passed to RocksDB for reading - If the key exists in the database: - If the type (field E) is != 0 - i.e. the entry is not a String, SableDB returns a -WRONGTYPE error - If value is expired -> SableDB returns null and deletes the record from the database - Otherwise, SableDB returns the H part of the value (the actual user data) - Else (no such key) return null

The List data type

A List is a composite data type. SableDB stores the metadata of the list using a dedicated record and each list element is stored in a separate entry.

List metadata:

   A    B       C        D
+-----+---- +--------+------------+
| 1u8 | DB# |  Slot# |  list name |
+-----+---- +--------+------------+
                             E        F        G        H      I       J
                        +-----+------------+--------- +------+------+-------+
                   =>   | 1u8 | Expirtaion | List UID | head | tail |  size |
                        +-----+------------+--------- +------+------+-------+

List item:

   K        L              M                 N      O           P
+-----+--------------+---------------+    +------+--------+------------+
| 2u8 | List ID(u64) |  Item ID(u64) | => | Left | Right  |     value  |
+-----+--------------+---------------+    +------+--------+------------+

Unlike String, a List is using an additional entry in the database that holds the list metadata.

  • Encoded items A -> D are the same as String
  • E the first byte is always set to 1 (unlike String which is set to 0)
  • F Expiration info
  • G The list UID. Each list is assigned with a unique ID (an incremental number that never repeat itself, evern after restarts)
  • H the UID of the list head item (u64)
  • I the UID of the list tail item (u64)
  • J the list length

In addition to the list metadata (SableDB keeps a single metadata item per list) we add a list item per new list item using the following encoding:

  • K the first bit which is always set to 2 ("List Item")
  • L the parent list ID (see field G above)
  • M the item UID
  • N the UID of the previous item in the list ( 0 means that this item is the head)
  • O the UID of the next item in the list ( 0 means that this item is the last item)
  • P the list value

The above encoding allows SableDB to iterate over all list items by creating a RocksDB iterator and move it to the prefix [ 2 | <list-id>] (2 indicates that only list items should be scanned, and list-id makes sure that only the requested list items are visited)

The Hash data type

Hash items are encoded using the following:

Hash metadata:

   A    B       C        D                E        F        G         H
+-----+---- +--------+-----------+    +-----+------------+---------+-------+
| 1u8 | DB# |  Slot# | Hash name | => | 2u8 | Expirtaion | Set UID |  size |
+-----+---- +--------+-----------+    +-----+------------+---------+-------+

Hash item:

   P        Q           R           S
+-----+--------------+-------+    +-------+
| 3u8 | Hash ID(u64) | field | => | value |
+-----+--------------+-------+    +-------+
  • Encoded items A -> H are basically identical to the hash A -> H fields
  • P always set to 3 ("hash member")
  • Q the hash ID for which this member belongs to
  • R the hash field
  • S the field's value

The Sorted Set data type

The sorted set ( Z* commands) is encoded using the following:

Sorted set metadata:

   A    B       C        D                E        F        G         H
+-----+---- +--------+-----------+    +-----+------------+---------+-------+
| 1u8 | DB# |  Slot# | ZSet name | => | 3u8 | Expirtaion | ZSet UID|  size |
+-----+---- +--------+-----------+    +-----+------------+---------+-------+

ZSet item 1 (Index: "Find by member"):

   K        L              M           O
+-----+--------------+---------+    +-------+
| 4u8 | ZSet ID(u64) |  member | => | score |
+-----+--------------+---------+    +-------+

ZSet item 2 (Index: "Find by score"):

   P        Q           R       S            T
+-----+--------------+-------+-------+    +------+
| 5u8 | ZSet ID(u64) | score |member | => | null |
+-----+--------------+-------+-------+    +------+

Sorted set requires double index (score & member), this is why each zset item member is kept using 2 records.

The zset metadata contains:

  • Encoded items A -> D are the same as String
  • E will always contains 3 for sorted set
  • F the expiration info
  • G the unique zset ID
  • H the set size (number of members)

Each zset item are kept using 2 records:

Index: "Find by member"

The first record allows SableDB to find a member score (the key is the member value)

  • K the first bit which is always set to 4 ("ZSet member Item")
  • L the zset ID for which this item belongs to
  • M the zset member
  • O this member score value

Index: "Find by score"

The second record, allows SableDB to find member by score (we use the score as the key)

  • P the first bit is always set to 5 ("Zset score item")
  • Q the zset ID for which this item belongs to
  • R the record's score value
  • S the member
  • T not used

The above encoding records provides all the indexing required by SableDB to implement the sorted set commands.

For example, in order to implement the command ZCOUNT (Returns the number of elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max):

  • SableDB first loads the metadata using the zset key in order to obtain its unique ID
  • Creates an iterator using the prefix [5 | ZSET UID | MIN_SCORE] (Index: "Find by score")
  • Start iterating until it either finds the first entry that does not belong to the zset, or it finds the MAX_SCORE value

The Set data type

Set items are encoded using the following:

Set metadata:

   A    B       C        D                E        F        G         H
+-----+---- +--------+-----------+    +-----+------------+---------+-------+
| 1u8 | DB# |  Slot# | Set name  | => | 4u8 | Expirtaion | Set UID |  size |
+-----+---- +--------+-----------+    +-----+------------+---------+-------+

Set item:

   P        Q           R           S
+-----+--------------+-------+    +------+
| 6u8 | Set ID(u64)  | field | => | null |
+-----+--------------+-------+    +------+
  • Encoded items A -> H are basically identical to the sorted set A -> H fields
  • P always set to 6 ("set member")
  • Q the set ID for which this member belongs to
  • R the set field
  • S null (not used)

Bookkeeping records

Every composite item (Hash, Sorted Set, List or Set) created by SableDB, also creates a record in the bookkeeping "table". A bookkeeping records keeps track of the composite item unique ID + its type (which is needed by the data eviction job)

The bookkeeping record is encoded as follows:


   A    B       C        D                E
+-----+----+--------+-----------+    +----------+
| 0u8 | UID|  DB#   | UID type  | => | user key |
+-----+----+--------+-----------+    +----------+
  • A a bookkeeping records starts with 0
  • B a u64 field containing the composite item UID (e.g. Hash UID)
  • C the database ID for which the UID belongs to
  • D the UID type when it was created (e.g. "hash" or "set")
  • E the user key associated with the UID (e.g. the hash name)