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Automatic Shard Management


Shard - a hierarchical arrangement of nodes. Within a shard, one node functions as the read/write Primary node. While all the nodes are a read-only replicas of the primary node.

SableDB uses a centralised database to manage an auto-failover process and tracking nodes of the same shard. The centralised database itself is an instance of SableDB.

All Nodes

Every node in the shard, updates a record of type HASH every N seconds in the centralised database where it keeps the following hash fields:

  • node_id this is a globally unique ID assigned to each node when it first started and it persists throughout restarts
  • node_address the node privata address on which other nodes can connect to it
  • role the node role (can be one replica or primary)
  • last_updated the last time that this node updated its information, this field is a UNIX timestamp since Jan 1st, 1970 in microseconds. This field is also used as the "heartbeat" of node
  • last_txn_id contains the last transaction ID applied to the local data set. In an ideal world, this number is the same across all instances of the shard. The higher the number, the more up-to-date the node is
  • primary_node_id if the role field is set to replica, this field contains the node_id of the shard primary node.

The key used for this HASH record, is the node-id


In addition for updating its own record, the primary node maintains an entry of type SET which holds the node_ids of all the shard node members.

This SET is constantly updated whenever the primary interacts with a replica node. Only after the replica node successfully completes a FullSyc, it can be added to this SET.

This SET entry is identified by the key <primary_id>_replicas where <primary_id> is the primary node unique id.


Similar to the primary node, the replica updates its information in a regular intervals


In order to detect whether the primary node is still alive, SableDB uses the Raft algorithm while using the centralised database as its communication layer and the last_txn_id as the log entry

Each replica node regularly checks the last_updated field of the primary node the interval on which a replica node checks differs from node to node - this is to minimise the risk of attempting to start multiple failover processes (but this can still happen and is solved by the lock described blow)

The failover process starts if the primary's last_updated was not updated after the allowed time. If the value exceeds, then the replica node does the following:

The replica that initiated the failover

  • Marks in the centralised database that a failover initiated for the non responsive primary. It does not by creating a unique lock record
  • The node that started the failover decides on the new primary. It does that by picking the one with the highest last_txn_id property
  • Dispatches a command to the new replica instructing it to switch to Primary mode (we achieve this by using LPUSH / BRPOP blocking command)
  • Dispatch commands to all of the remaining replicas instructing them to perform a REPLICAOF <NEW_PRIMARY_IP> <NEW_PRIMARY_PORT>
  • Delete the old primary records from the database (if this node comes back online again later, it will re-create them)

All other replicas

Each replica node always checks for the shard's lock record. If it exists, each replica switches to waiting mode on a dedicated queue. This is achieved by using the below command:

BLPOP <NODE_ID>_queue 5

As mentioned above, there are 2 type of commands:

  • Apply REPLICAOF to connect to the new primary
  • Apply REPLICAOF NO ONE to become the new primary

A note about locking

SableDB uses the command SET <PRIMARY_ID>_FAILOVER <Unique-Value> NX EX 60 to create a unique lock. By doing so, it ensures that only one locking record exists. If it succeeded in creating the lock record, it becomes the node that orchestrates the replacement

If it fails (i.e. the record already exist) - it switches to read commands from the queue as described here

The only client allowed to delete the lock is the client created it, hence the <unique_value>. If that client crashed we have the EX 60 as a backup plan (the lock will be expire)